413 research outputs found

    Morfologia del modello drammaturgico tra Seicento e Settecento. Il tiranno e la follia

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    Il saggio ripercorre alcuni momenti nella storia letteraria italiana della diffusione della maschera del tiranno sulle scene del teatro seicentesco

    Dante a teatro. Drammaturgia dantesca tra Ottocento e Novecento

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    Nel saggio si indaga la presenza della poesia dantesca quale ispiratrice di opere teatrali nella drammaturgia europea ed italiana fra Otto e Novecento. In the essay is investigated the presence of Dante's poetry as inspiration for theatrical works in the European and Italian dramaturgy between the XIXth and XXth centuriesIn the essay is investigated the presence of Dante's poetry as inspiration for theatrical works in the European and Italian dramaturgy between the XIXth and XXth centuries

    Figure tragiche e modelli civili fra teatro e trattatistica a Napoli nel primo Settecento. Il "Sejano" di Saverio Pansuti e l’institutio civile di Paolo Mattia Doria

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    nel saggio si analizza la convergenza di intenti filosofici tra la tragedia 'politica' di Saverio Pansuti "Sejano" del 1729 e le opere degli intellettuali meridionali Paolo Mattia Doria (Vita civile 1709 e Il capitano filosofo 1739) sotto l'egida della filosofia di Giambattista Vico e di Gregorio Caloprese

    Dal testo alla scena: letture bibliche nel Settecento

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    Il saggio si interessa del rapporto tra i testi sacri e la scrittura drammaturgica nel teatro italiano del Seicento e del Settecent

    La bottega del falsario. Menzogna, simulazione e follia nel Seicento

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    Rileggendo momenti, idee e personaggi della storia della cultura secondo un’innovativa prospettiva, la tradizione letteraria italiana si segnala per la ricercata mistificazione della realtà, esercizio di libertà conseguito dagli intellettuali attraverso la creazione e la costante assunzione del principio della simulazione. Recuperando esperienze letterarie meno note, nel volume si ripercorrono le principali articolazioni della menzogna e della simulazione nella letteratura e i loro ‘folli’ esiti nella drammaturgia del Seicento. Dalla teoria morale della bugia in Agostino all’allegoria della Commedia di Dante, dall’ironia epico-cavalleresca di età rinascimentale ai risvolti politici della drammaturgia seicentesca, l’attenta disamina del valore pregnante della parola letteraria e dell’azione teatrale illustra una significativa incidenza nella riflessione intellettuale del dispositivo della simulazione: essa si traduce (non solo nella scrittura drammaturgica) in un incessante uso della maschera della follia e del tiranno, per eludere censure e tutelare la libertà di espressione

    Genotype-phenotype relations of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor inferred from a large-scale analysis of disease mutations and interactors

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    Familiar cancers represent a privileged point of view for studying the complex cellular events inducing tumor transformation. Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, a familiar predisposition to develop cancer is a clear example. Here, we present our efforts to decipher the role of von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein (pVHL) in cancer insurgence. We collected high quality information about both pVHL mutations and interactors to investigate the association between patient phenotypes, mutated protein surface and impaired interactions. Our data suggest that different phenotypes correlate with localized perturbations of the pVHL structure, with specific cell functions associated to different protein surfaces. We propose five different pVHL interfaces to be selectively involved in modulating proteins regulating gene expression, protein homeostasis as well as to address extracellular matrix (ECM) and ciliogenesis associated functions. These data were used to drive molecular docking of pVHL with its interactors and guide Petri net simulations of the most promising alterations. We predict that disruption of pVHL association with certain interactors can trigger tumor transformation, inducing metabolism imbalance and ECM remodeling. Collectively taken, our findings provide novel insights into VHL-associated tumorigenesis. This highly integrated in silico approach may help elucidate novel treatment paradigms for VHL disease

    The Ribosomal Protein RpL22 Interacts In Vitro with 5′-UTR Sequences Found in Some Drosophila melanogaster Transposons

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    Mobility of eukaryotic transposable elements (TEs) are finely regulated to avoid an excessive mutational load caused by their movement. The transposition of retrotransposons is usually regulated through the interaction of host- and TE-encoded proteins, with non-coding regions (LTR and 5′-UTR) of the transposon. Examples of new potent cis-acting sequences, identified and characterized in the non-coding regions of retrotransposons, include the insulator of gypsy and Idefix, and the enhancer of ZAM of Drosophila melanogaster. Recently we have shown that in the 5′-UTR of the LTR-retrotransposon ZAM there is a sequence structured in tandem-repeat capable of operating as an insulator both in Drosophila (S2R+) and human cells (HEK293). Here, we test the hypothesis that tandem repeated 5′-UTR of a different LTR-retrotransposon could accommodate similar regulatory elements. The comparison of the 5′-UTR of some LTR-transposons allowed us to identify a shared motif of 13bp, called Transposable Element Redundant Motif (TERM). Surprisingly, we demonstrated, by Yeast One-Hybrid assay, that TERM interacts with the D. melanogaster ribosomal protein RpL22. The Drosophila RpL22 has additional Ala-, Lys- and Prorich sequences at the amino terminus, which resembles the carboxy-terminal portion of histone H1 and histone H5. For this reason, it has been hypothesized that RpL22 might have two functions, namely the role in organizing the ribosome, and a potential regulatory role involving DNA-binding similar to histone H1, which represses transcription in Drosophila. In this paper, we show, by two independent sets of experiments, that DmRpL22 is able to directly and specifically bind DNA of Drosophila melanogaster
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